Sunday, February 19, 2006

Distant Exposures

I think that exposure to the world is one of the greatest factors in awareness and understanding. Of course I must be more specific if I am going to make such a claim...

It is perhaps not only the exposure but the desire to open your eyes and look at those things right in front of you. But if they are not there to see because they are somehow blocked from your view then you may not get to see them.

Living in the countryside in Japan is a challenge precisely because of what I am not exposed to here. When you are that much farther from things that drive you in life it is hard to be at your best. But when you remember them your eyes can suddenly be opened. What I am exposed to here is enough to be happy despite my quiet (inexistant) social life during the week, but it is not enough to lift me as high as I can go.

I assume that many of my friends feel the same way where they are now. What I recommend is to try to look farther out than what you can see now and perhaps you'll see something that you've been missing as of late.

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