Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Lineup

12 months in japan - color edition (expensive and needs reformatting; know any good publishers?)

Fractals of Lake - newest edition. affordable, uplifting.

Kafka's Riddle of Evolution - Want to understand how Kafka dealt with the idea of evolution?

12 months in japan - black and white edition = more affordable. (make sure lulu prints this well; contact me if there are any problems - and that goes for all of my books)

Fractals of Lake - another version (there are multiple front/back covers)

The titles above can be perused and bought here: http://stores.lulu.com/tgrudin

And last but not least, check out these great titles from the wisest and dearest mother and father (a selection of their work):

Chaucer and the Politics of Discourse

Time and the Art of Living

The Grace of Great Things: Creativity and Innovation

American Vulgar: The Politics of Manipulation Versus the Culture of Awareness

On Dialogue: An Essay in Free Thought

The Most Amazing Thing

1 comment:

Ted said...


Fractals of Lake (2007) has been revised. Many errors removed and preface/epilogue made more appropriate. Enjoy!